MMDT1146 PHP Programming
Week 6

Week 6

MySQL Notes:

  • MySQL is an open source database the is probably the most commonly used database for the web. If you make commercial software where MySQL is required, then you need a commercial license.  (but the cost is reasonable).  If you are making open source software where you are freely distributing your software, then a license is not required.
  • Get MySQL
  • Install it to C:\mysql
  • Go to the C:\mysql\bin folder and make a shortcut of winmysqladmin.exe and place it on your desktop.
  • Under windows, MySQL runs as a service called "MySql".  It is set normally to autostart, so it runs in the background as soon as you boot up your computer.
  • To use MySQL with PHP, go into C:\php.ini and uncomment extension=php_mysql.dll
    Also change the variable extension_dir to read extension_dir = "C:\php\ext"

MySQL Administrator Notes:

  • MySQL Administrator is a graphical windows interface to see the status of the MySQL server, add users and set permissions, and create databases.
  • Get MySQL Administrator
  • Your instructor will walk you through the steps of configuring MySQL Administrator to connect up to MySQL databases.

phpMyAdmin Notes:

  • phpMyAdmin is a web based management tool to administer and create MySQL databases.  From phpMyAdmin you can even create tables, put in data, and perform queries.
  • Get phpMyAdmin
  • Install it into your website using the default folder name.
  • Make a link to index.php within your site.
  • Modify to look similar
    $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = 'http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/';  <-- wherever your phpMyAdmin is.
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'username'; // MySQL user name <-- whatever it happens to be.
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '******'; // MySQL password <-- whatever it happens to be.


  • Keep in mind that if you install MySQL on your local laptop AND you use a MySQL database on a web hosting server, that you have TWO distinct databases.

PHP My Admin video:

Tech Learning Archive
PHPMyAdmin Tutorial For Beginners 2020 | Creating a MySQL Database | Code Lab 001 (27:37)
PHPMyAdmin Tutorial For Beginners 2020 | Creating a MySQL Database | Code Lab 001 (no ads)

Sample zip file. Unzip to use. 1000 records compliments of Ryan Olsen.

Create sample data

Government data sets

This article taken from

Data stored in a database comes in all shapes and sizes. Some fields store only numbers, some only text, and others a combination of the two. Some databases also support specialized types: dates and times, binary strings and Booleans.

Selecting from available data types to find the best match for your data is an important part of database design, because such type selection affects the efficiency and performance of your RDBMS. Therefore, it's extremely important to be fully aware of the options available to you in your RDBMS, and to select the most appropriate data type for your storage needs at the time of design itself.

That's where this document comes in. It outlines the most important data types supported by MySQL, one of the most popular free RDBMS currently available, and describes when and how each should be used. It thus serves as a ready resource to help you in creating an optimal design for your databases.

Data Type


Bytes Used

Recommended Use


Integer values in the range -32000 to +32000 (appx)


Storing relatively small integer values.

Examples: Age, quantity


Integer values in the range -2000000000 to +2000000000 (appx)


Storing medium integer values.

Example: Distance


Extremely large integer values that do not fit into either SMALLINT or INT fields


Storing large integer values.

Example: Scientific/mathematical values


Single-precision floating-point values


Storing decimal values

Examples: Measurement, temperature


Double-precision floating-point values


Storing decimal values which require double precision

Examples: Scientific values


Floating-point values with user-defined precision

Variable; depends on precision and scale

Storing decimal values which require very high precision

Examples: Currency amounts, scientific values


Fixed-length strings

Specified string length (up to 255 char)

Storing string values which will always contain a preset number of characters.

Examples: Airline, country or post codes


Variable-length strings, with a preset maximum limit

Variable; 1 + actual string length (up to 255 char)

Storing string values of varying length (up to a specified maximum limit).

Examples: Names, passwords, short text labels


Variable-length strings with no maximum limit

Variable; 2 +  actual string length

Storing large blocks of textual data

Examples: News stories, product descriptions



Binary strings

Variable; 2 + actual string length

Storing binary data

Examples: Images, attachments, binary documents



Date values in the format yyyy-mm-dd


Storing dates

Examples: Birthdays, product expiry dates,


Time values in the format hh:mm:ss


Storing times or time intervals

Example: Alarms, interval between two timestamps, task start/end times


Combined date and time values in the format yyyy-mm-ddhh:mm:ss


Storing combined date and time values

Examples: Reminders, events


Combined date and time values in the format yyyy-mm-ddhh:mm:ss


Recording time instants

Examples: Event triggers, "last log-in" timestamps


Year values in the format yyyy


Storing year values

Examples: Graduation years, birth years


A set of values from which the user must select one.

1 or 2 bytes

Storing string attributes which are mutually exclusive to each other

Examples: Boolean selections like Gender


A set of values from which the user can select zero, one or more.

Between 1 and 8 bytes; depends on set size

Storing string attributes which can be selected in combination with each other

Examples: Multiple-choice selections like Hobbies and Interests

For a complete list and detailed descriptions, see the MySQL manual. You should also read the article entitled Choosing the Right Type for a Column.

Lab 6

This lab is to test your knowledge of being able to create a table in a MySQL database and populate it with data.  You can do this by using phpMyAdmin that is available in cPanel for your website. Alternately you can use MySQL administrator running locally on your laptop and connecting to your remote database on your web server.  The name of your database will be in the format of "lastnfir_" which is the first 5 characters of your last name followed by the first 3 characters of your first name.  MySQL users that you create will also be the same format.  Example: database and usernames for Greg Smith would be "smithgre_".  

Create a database named "lastnfir_contactlist"

Create a MySQL user named "lastnfir_cluser1"

Create a table named "myContacts"

Create these fields:
ID - Unique ID number for each entry.  This field is the primary key.
firstName- The person's first name.
lastName - The person's last name.
addrLine1 - The first line of the address.
addrLine2 - The second line of the address.
city - The city the person lives in.
state - The state or province the person lives in.
country - The country the person lives in.
homePhone - The person's home telephone number.
mobilePhone - The person's mobile phone number
email - The person's email address.

Import the sample file so that you have at least 1,000 records

Add at least 5 more records by hand entry to your MyContacts table. Populate all the fields.

Assignment is due 1 week from when it was assigned.  50% penalty if late.

MMDT 1146 Lab 6
Grading Criteria
Database lastnfir_contactlist created and MySQL user lastnfir_cluser1 created. 5 5
Table myContacts created. 5 5
Table populated by 1,000 sample records plus an additional 5 records added by hand. 5 5